The Sorbas Gypsum Karst Natural Park is situated in the town of Sorbas, between the “Sierra de Los Filabres” and “Sierra Cabrera” in the middle - east of the province of Almeria. It was declared a Natural Park by Act 2/1989 of 18 July, approving the inventory of Protected Natural Areas in Andalusia and is also a Special Protection Area for Birds [SPA (2002)], and is proposed as a Site of Community Interest. We are currently working on a campaign to declare it as an Underground Natural Park.
The main objective is to organize the International Speleological Survey Camp TOPO SORBAS to get the topographic maps as detailed as possible to describe accurately the large speleological complex existing in the gypsum karst of Sorbas. Mainly, is to gain the new data to complete and expand the Sorbas Karst global topography.
The International Speleological Survey Camp SORBAS TOPO2023 will be held from from November 5 to November 7, 2021 .